Are you curious about how your visitors interact with your one-page website? Do you want to know what interests them the most? Today we talk about how to check page views of a single page! We also deep dive into behavior analytics!
With the right setup, you can easily track your single-page site in Google Analytics just like any other website. Sadly, Analytics doesn’t track pageviews by default on sites that have content on a single page.
Having a single-page website has a lot of benefits over a multi-page site. With a single-page site, your visitors can read your entire content in one place, as they don’t have to explore different pages by making multiple clicks.
Navigate to in your Web browser. Click the “Access Analytics” button on the right side of the page and enter your Google account email address and password if prompted. If you haven’t yet created an Analytics profile for your website, click on the “Admin” tab and click “Add New Account” to create an account for the website you wish to track.
Just a quick note, you need a javascript line to be added to your website and once you’ve added that to every page on your website, then it gets propagated to every page and all the data streams in for Google Analytics.
The Behavior section reveals what your visitors do on your website. Specifically, the reports tell you what pages people visit and what actions they take while visiting.
You can access Behavior reports using the menu in the left sidebar of your Google Analytics dashboard.
For example, in this video, I’ve discussed that I made content in regards to Diablo 2, an action role-playing hack-and-slash computer video game. In this webpage, you could keep track of how your pages are ranked according to the number of views.
You could click on your chosen page to see its detailed statistics, as seen in the screenshot above. You could also change the time period from daily, weekly, and monthly, depending on the data that you want to see.
The Behavior Flow report lets you see the path visitors commonly take on your website—from the first page they view to the last page they visit before leaving your site. This report gives you a visual guide to how long visitors stay on your website and where those visitors end up leaving.
One of the keys to maintaining a successful website is continuous tracking and analysis of its performance metrics. Web analytics programs such as Google Analytics provide numerous reports about user behavior on your site. The Pageviews report in Analytics allows you to see how well a given page engages users relative to other pages. The Pageviews data can also provide insight into whether the content on a page meets the needs and expectations of your visitors.
Node.js allows the development of web servers in JavaScript! This allows your front end and back end to both be created using Javascript! With this, you can create a scalable server without needing to implement threading. You can instead use event-driven programming that uses callbacks!
NPM, which is more commonly known as Node Package Manager is an application used to install node packages. This allows us to install things such as Express!
This quick guide will walk you through the process of installing and updating Node.JS, NPM and Express on Windows 10. We will also show how to set up your first Node.js site step by step!
The method used in this guide requires Windows 10
User account with administrative rights (or at least the ability to download and install programs)
Access to command line (Start -> Run -> type CMD)
How to install Node.js, NPM and Express in Windows
Download the Node.js installer
Navigate to the install page located at Once you are there, click on the Windows installer link to download the latest version for windows. This Node.js install will include NPM package manager. You will not have to download that separately.
Run the Node.js installer
Now that you have the installer downloaded, either open your downloads folder and open the installer there or click the file icon at the bottom of your browser to launch the downloaded file.
The system will verify that you would like to open the software – click Run
Node.js will show you a welcome screen – click Next
The next screen is the license agreement. Review this and the terms for installing the software – click Next
The installer will ask for an installation location. Either leave the default location or choose a new location – click Next
Next the installer will ask if you would like to change any components. either leave it set to default or modify as needed – click Next
Now we just click the Install button and the installer will install Node.js and NPM
How to verify Node.JS and NPM are installed
To verify that Node Js and NPM are installed is actually really easy.
The first thing you need to do is open Command prompt or Windows Powershell and type the following command:
node -v
This command will show you the node version, which will indicate that it is installed. If you don’t get a version back then Node is not installed.
To verify that NPM is installed, get its version using the following command:
npm -v
As long as this returns a version, then you will know that NPM is installed as well!
Check Node.js version
How to update Node.js and NPM in Windows
The fastest method for updating Node.js and NPM will be to navigate to and download the latest version. Once you navigate to the download page, you can compare the version there against the version we found using the above command line functions to check your Node.js version.
To update Node.js, download the windows installer from and open it. The wizard will guide you through the process and will uninstall the old version and replace it with the new version of Node.js.
How to uninstall Node.js and NPM in Windows
The windows control panel is the best method for uninstalling Node.js on windows.
The steps to uninstall Node.js are:
Open the start menu
Open the start menu by clicking on it or using the Windows key to bring it up.
Open the Settings screen
Click the Settings button which looks like a cog wheel (or gear) icon
Open the App page
Once you have the Settings screen open, click on the Apps button.
Find and hilight Node.js
Scroll through your list of installed applications and find Node.js. After you find Node.js in the list, click on it to highlight it.
Select Uninstall
Click on the word Uninstall under Node.js. Clicking on Uninstall will launch the uninstall software wizard and walk you through the process from here.
Uninstall Node.js
How to use Node.js in Windows
Node.js is a development framework and not a regular application. That means that it interprets commands that are written. We are going to setup a little test script to ensure everything is working perfectly!
1. Open the text editor of your choice. (I recommend Visual Studio Code)
2. Copy and paste the following code into your editor:
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
res.end('This is our first test!');
3. Save the file and exit the text editor (or use the in editor terminal window). Open Command prompt and input the following command:
node \path\to\thenewfile.js
Make sure the path to the newfile is changed to the path to your newly written file. This will tell Node where the server file is to run it. After this runs, it will look like nothing has happened. but in reality your script is constantly running in the background.
Windows defender may popup with a warning. For now, allow the application through windows defender so your website will work as intended.
4. Open your web browser and navigate to the following url:
You should see “This is our first test!” in the top left corner of the page!
If everything works perfectly, your computer is now acting as a server. Any computer connecting to your computer on port 8000 will see the message “This is our first test“.
The only trick is that nobody outside of your router will be allowed access without enabling port forwarding. Your router will just block their request before your computer has a chance to respond.
Wrap Up
Now that we have gone over how to install, update, remove and set up Node.js and NPM you should be ready to go! I can’t wait to hear about what applications you all have designed!
The sky is really the limit with this technology and I hope I helped you set up your own install of Node.js!
Where is NPM Installed on Windows
On a Windows system, the Node Package Manager (npm) is typically installed alongside Node.js, which is the JavaScript runtime that npm uses. When you install Node.js on a Windows system, the installer will add the Node.js executable (node.exe) to the system’s PATH, and it will also install npm in the same directory. You can find the directory where npm is installed by running the following command in a command prompt:
where npm
This will return the location of the npm executable on your system. Alternatively, you can also run “npm root-g” This will return the npm global packages path. Once you know the directory where npm is installed, you can access it in the command prompt by simply typing “npm”, and you can use it to install and manage packages for your projects. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Where is nodeJS installed on windows
When you install Node.js on a Windows system, the installer will add the Node.js executable (node.exe) to the system’s PATH. This allows you to run the node command from any directory in the command prompt. You can find the directory where Node.js is installed by running the following command in a command prompt:
where node
This will return the location of the node executable on your system. You can also check the version of node by running “node-v” command. By default, the Node.js installer for Windows will install Node.js to the following location:
C:\Program Files\nodejs
This is the default directory where Node.js will be installed, but the actual location on your system may be different, depending on the options you selected when you ran the installer. You can also check the installed path by checking the environment variables. You can access the environment variables by searching for “Environment Variables” in the start menu, and look for the variable named Path and look for the path where node is installed. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
How to set up a Windows 10 FTP server – FileZilla FTP Server setup
Using a free tool called FileZilla, we’ll walk you through the procedures to set up a folder on your Windows PC as an FTP repository. FTP allows you to easily transfer large amounts of data between computers; the FTP repository can be mapped to multiple computers across the Internet, allowing others to access the directory directly from Windows Explorer.
Download Filezilla
The first step is to download Filezilla server.
Go to in your browser. It will take us to the FileZilla Server download page if we click Download FileZilla Server.
Install Filezilla
Once the executable setup file is on your system follow the below steps to install it on your OS.
Double click on the FileZilla_Server setup file
Click on the Yes button, when it will ask your permission to run the setup.
Next, select the “I Agree” to accept the terms and conditions of the software.
Installing the Standard package is the default option. The only thing that will be unselected is “source code,” which you may choose if you are a developer or want to look at FileZilla’s code. Normally, though, we may leave it unchecked.
Choose Components
Select the Next button
Choose a destination
The destination folder will set to use the C drive, in case you don’t want to install it there, you can change it. Otherwise, click Next.
Choose a port
Leave the default option “Install as a server, starting with Windows” to let the FileZilla server start automatically with Windows. You can select that option if you wish to start it manually.
For the sake of this lesson, everything else may be left at the defaults except for the parameters listed above. The FileZilla interface will appear after the installation is complete. Now your installation is complete!
Configure Filezilla
When this window appears after installation, simply click OK:
We may now define a directory as an FTP repository after the FTP server UI has loaded. Minimize the UI and create a folder where you want the FTP share to reside if the directory you wish to use isn’t already there.
Add a User Account
Now the FileZilla FTP Server has been installed on Windows 10, we need to create an FTP user that can log in to the server. To set up an FTP user in the FileZilla server, complete the following steps:
Click on the user icon (the Fourth icon from the left). Then, click on the add button and enter the name of the user account to be created and press OK.
On the left side of the window that comes up, click on “Shared folders.”
Once there, click on “Add” underneath “Users.” Enter the username for an account that another computer will be using to access the repository we’re setting up.
Click OK once you’re done entering the account name, and then click on “Add” underneath the “Shared folders” section. Next is to select the directory you would like to share as an FTP repository.
Click OK again. By default, the user we’ve created is able to read files, list directories, and list subdirectories. To give the user further permissions, such as the ability to copy files to this repository, check the boxes beneath ‘Files’ and ‘Directories.’
Click OK once you’re done setting the user permissions.
Checking the value of variables while debugging in Visual Studio is one of the best features of the IDE in my opinion! Let’s quickly go over the different ways you can view the values stored in variables at run time!
Time needed: 1 minute.
There are multiple ways to check the variable values depending on the type of variable.
For simple variables, such as strings and integers, you can hover over the variable in the IDE while the application is paused at a breakpoint and see the value in a tooltip.
Data visualizer
For more complex variables, such as datatables, you will have to hover over the variable in the IDE while the application is paused at a breakpoint and then click the magnifying glass. This will bring up a window displaying the table data.
Immediate Window
You can bring up the immediate window and type in “?variableName” and it will output the value of a variable. The immediate window has a lot of other uses too!
Watch Window
The last method I show is the watch window. This window allows you to constantly track the value of variables as you step through code. This is the best option visually unless you are using complex data types such as Datatables!
I hope these methods help you debug your programs faster! These methods definitely help me out and I wanted to share them with everyone! Thanks for reading and if you have any recommendations that should be added to this list, let me know in the comments section!
If your Laravel based website is having issues handling too many users then you may need to enable caching. Caching is a great way to allow your server to keep up with high demand without adding more costly resources.
With Laravel 5.6+ you no longer need to add custom middleware to set up caching. You can enable client-side browser caching using the built-in cache headers middleware. This makes life very easy!
The easiest type of caching to set up is browser caching. This will quickly take a huge load off of your server because the users will stop requesting large files over and over again. They will maintain the files in a local cache until the time that you set runs out and they request the files again. (Think about how many times a user should be requesting the background image for your site that shows up on every page.)
There are two different ways you can set up browser caching in Laravel.
Setup Caching Globally
The first way is to set it up inside of the MapWebRoutes & MapApiRoutes functions that are in the RouteServiceProvider.php file.
While this way is super easy to configure, you will have issues with any kind of login system. The browser caching will mess up the keys and break things. If your website doesn’t require a login, this is definitely the way to go as it is super easy to implement and will work fine.
Locate your mapWebRoutes inside of RouteServiceProvider.php and add the following line after ->namespace($this->namespace)
After that find your mapApiRoutes and add the same line. Mine ended up looking like this
mapApiRoutes with caching setup
That’s all there is to setting caching up globally in Laravel 5.7+
Hopefully, that helps, if you do have a login system though, keep reading on to only set caching up for specific routes that don’t involve your login system!
Setup Caching Specific Routes
The second method is to set the cache for each route in your config file. This method is better than the first if you have a login system because you can skip any routes that interact with your login system.
Skipping the login items will allow your login system to still work while the other parts of your webpage are cached appropriately. This will provide a tremendous speed increase while still keeping your login system in place.
Time needed: 10 minutes.
To setup caching in a specific route
Open your web.php file
The first step will be to open your web.php file which will have each of your routes in it. Mine is in the root directory and called Web.php
Locate a route that you would like to add caching to
The next step is to locate a route you would like to add caching to, for me I added it here to my search, commented and favorited routes. You can see the new item on the end of the route.
Add the following code to the end of your route
Add the following code to the end of your route. ->middleware(‘cache.headers:private;max_age=3600’) Don’t forget to end the line with a semi-colon and you are done!
We did it!
Once you have that setup, now when you navigate to the page that you enabled caching for, things like your background will only be requested by the user one time. You should be able to see this by navigating to the page and having way faster reload times.
I hope this helped you guys out! I know it really helped my website out, if you have any questions, ask in the comments below and I’ll try to help!
Today we are going to be talking about how to create a setup file in visual studio 2019! This setup file is a packaged version of your application with a wizard that will guide the user through the entire installation process. This will allow the user to install your latest build with ease!
If you have ever written an application and wanted to create an MSI or EXE installer then this is the guide for you! I’m going to go step by step and show you exactly how to create an installer!
Install Wizard
The entire process is pretty easy and simply requires a visual studio extension that was developed by Microsoft. This extension is not a 3rd party product nor is it terribly complicated to use.
Alright, so let’s get right into it!
The first thing we’re going to need to do is to download the required extension. The extension we will need is called “Microsoft Visual Studio installer project”
You access the Manage Extensions page by clicking on Extensions and then Manage Extensions at the top
Once you are on the Manage Extensions page, search for this extension. It is one of the most downloaded extensions, so it should be at the top of the list. Go ahead and download it, then we can move on to the next step!
Next, we need to restart visual studio to get it to install the extension. Once visual studio closes this little extension installer will install the new extension.
Once the extension installer comes up hit modify and let it progress through. This can take a second to install but it doesn’t take terribly long. It should only take about a minute or so.
VS Extension installer
alright, once that has finished installing, you can open visual studio again.
Now that you have Visual studio open again, you want to open the project that you would like to create the installer for. because it’s going to be a second project inside the same solution.
alright, so now that we’ve got our extension ready to go we are going to right-click on the solution and add a new project. This new project is going to be the setup project. Search for the setup project template and choose that as your new project type.
Setup Project Template
Once you select Setup Project, give it a name and then click create. This will create a second project under your Solution with the name you provided.
If you open that project, you will be greeted with the setup project’s main screen as shown below.
Setup project
Inside of this project, there will be 3 folders:
Application folder: This is where your exe and assembly files will be placed.
Desktop folder: This will be where we put items destined for the user’s desktop.
User’s Program Menu: This will be where we put items to be added to the user’s program menu.
To configure your new setup project follow these steps
Add a new project output to the application folder.
Select the Application Folder and then right click and select “Add a new Project Output”. This will copy over all of your dll’s and main exe from your other project. This will look just like your typical Debug folder contents. Add -> Project Output -> “Primary Output”
Create a new shortcut using the primary output item
Right click the Primary Output item that was added when you added the new project output to the Application Folder. Select “Create Shortcut” to create a new shortcut that we will later move to the desktop section.
Import a file to be used as a shortcut icon
Right click again, select Add and choose to add a file. Browse for an ico file and import it.
Update your shortcut’s icon to the new imported icon
Right click on the new shortcut we have created, select “Properties Window”, from here change the icon by clicking browse on the right. Browse into your Application Folder and choose the new icon.
Copy your shortcut to the User’s Desktop folder
Drag your new shortcut over to the User’s Desktop folder on the left side of the split-screen. This will make the wizard create that shortcut on the user’s desktop when the application is installed.
Create another shortcut and put it in the User’s Programs Menu
Now that you have the desktop shortcut in place, we need to create one more identical shortcut. Follow the same process to create the shortcut and set it’s icon. After you have the new setup created, right click on User’s Programs Menu and select to create a new folder. Create a folder for your shortcut to be under and then move your new shortcut into that folder. Now the User’s Programs Menu will have a shortcut created in it.
Update the properties of the new setup project
From this point, I would update a few properties of the setup project. Author: company or person who wrote the application Description: simple description about the app Manufacturer: Used for the install location. Those are the only properties I updated in my example.
Setup Prerequisites
If you right click the Project and select Properties, you can then click on a button that says “Prerequisites…” This will bring up a screen where you can choose to have certain prerequisites such as certain .net framework versions install with your application.
Build the setup project and Give it a test run!
Right-click on the project and choose build. Once it finishes building, right-click again and select “Open Folder in File Explorer”. This will bring up a folder with your install files in it!
Congratulations! That is all there is to it! At this point, you should have a working setup project! I hope this guide was helpful! I’ll see you in the next one!
Hey everyone! Today we are going to be learning about While loops in C#. This is going to be a quick tutorial on how and why we use While statements and a general introduction to loops in programming.
A while loop is used to execute a block of code over and over until some condition is met.
For a simplified English example: “While the background color is red do these things.” This would do [these things] over and over until the background color is no longer red.
The while loop is very similar to a “for” loop. It will loop over and over again until the condition is met. This is the structure of a while loop:
while (condition) { //code to be executed }
The main difference between a for loop and a while loop is that the while loop doesn’t increment the variable that it is testing each loop. Typically a for loop will be used when you have a set number of times something needs to happen. A while loop, on the other hand, is used when you need to loop until something is true or false.
This would be an example of a while loop that works just like a for Loop. Notice how there is a specific line to increment i, it doesn’t get incremented by the while loop itself.
While loop
Alright! let’s make a sample application!
Looping Application
To create this sample while loop application follow these steps:
Create a new Windows forms project
Open Visual Studio and create a new Win Forms application.
Add a “Max” textbox
Drag over a textbox from the toolbox and rename it txtMax. This will be used to store the number we would like to loop to.
Add a “Max” label
Add a label control to the left of the Max textbox, set it’s text property to Max as shown above.
Add a list to show items
Add a new list box to the form. We will use this to show results as the while loop runs. Rename this list box to LstItems.
Add a Calculate button
Drag a button over from the toolbox and change it’s text property to Calculate. Also change it’s name to btnCalc.
You should now have your sample form built and it is time to start writing code. I would go ahead and run the application, just to make sure everything is working properly before we begin writing code.
Once you have verified that your application is running properly, it is time to start writing code. First double click on the Calculate button. This will create an event handler for the buttons click event. Inside of this function, we are going to write a while loop that runs from 1 to 18. Inside of this loop, we are going to have it add an item to LstItems that displays the current age. The code for that looks like this:
int age = 1; while(age <= 18) { LstItems.Items.Add(age); Age = Age + 1; }
Alright, now that we have our code written, it’s time to give the program a whirl! Your results should look like this:
loop from 1 to 18
Your Listbox should now show 1 to 18!
If you want to better visualize this process, you can add a breakpoint on the while statement (by clicking the line to the left of the line numbers in Visual Studio) and use F10 to step through as the code executes. This should help you really understand what the code is doing by watching it execute line by line.
Alright, so we know how to use a while loop to count numbers, let’s create one more example. This example will read line by line through a file and when it runs out of lines the loop will end. This is something someone would use a while loop for instead of a for loop.
You will need to create a file and store a few values in it. I personally listed a few different foods in my text file and saved it to C:\Test\LoopTest.txt My contents looked something like this:
Pizza Hamburger Hot Dog
Now that you have saved it somewhere, the code you will need to read this file is this:
LstItems.Items.Clear(); //This will clear our listbox out System.Io.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader("C:\\Test\\LoopTest.txt"); String currLine = sr.ReadLine();
You may have to adjust the file location the stream reader is reading from but other than that, this code should run fine.
This code will first clear your list box, then it will read through your file and add each value to the list box until it runs out of items to read. Once the StreamReader has read the last item in the file, the next ReadLine will set currLine to null and that is when our test will fail and the While loop will end.
That’s really all there is to while loops! I hope this helped and I will see you in the next one!
hey everyone! Today we are going to be writing a simple application in CSharp that can send emails!
This application is going to be a simple little SMTP Client that will interface with Gmail’s Servers using your username and password. Since this is a pretty simple task, there isn’t a whole lot of code, so it’s a great project to start learning with!
Alright! Let’s get right into building the application! In this tutorial, I’m going to be using the Devexpress components. They work just like the default windows components, they just look a little better. The code behind is what is important and it will look almost identical regardless of the form controls.
Devexpress Blank application
Once you create your new windows forms project follow these steps to build out the UI
Rename the form and change it’s text property
Rename the form by hitting f4 to access the properties window
Grab a groupbox and rename it to “Mail”
Drag a group box over from the toolbox window. Change it’s text property (or caption) to Mail
Drag over another group box and rename it to “Settings”
Drag a second group box over from the toolbox window and change it’s text property to Settings.
Add a splitter panel
Drag a splitter panel over and put the Mail group box in the first half and the Settings group box in the second half.
Dock the splitter panel to fill
Have the new splitter panel fill the form out. Set Horizontal to false, so we have a Mail section at the top and Settings section at the bottom.
Add a layout control to the bottom
Drag and drop a layout control into the Settings group box. Have it dock to fill and we will use this to add our controls.
Add textboxes to the Settings Layout control
Add a Username textbox to the Settings layout control. Add a Password textbox to the Settings layout control. Both of those should be full width. Add a Port textbox to the Settings layout control, this should be half width. Add an SMTP textbox to the Settings layout control, this should be half width as well.
Add a button to the Settings Layout Control
Add a button to the right of the Port and SMTP text boxes. Rename this button to Send and this will be the button that sends our mail!
Set default values
Change the text property of the Username textbox to your Gmail address. Change the text property of the Port textbox to “587”. Finally, update the SMTP textbox text to be “”
Add textboxes to the Mail section
Add a textbox to the Mail section and label it “To:” Add a second textbox to the mail section and label it “Subject:” Lastly, add a multi-line text edit to the mail section and label it “Body” (This can be a regular textbox) Your form should look like this:
Alright!! Now we have our form completed! It’s time to write some code!
First, we are gonna double-click on the send button, this will generate an event handler which we will put the code to send the email inside of.
Send event handler
The first line of code we are going to write will create a new NetworkCredential object called login. This will be used to pass the username/password to Gmail.
workCredential login = new NetworkCredential(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text);
Next we will need to create an SMTPClient object which will actually send the message. This line looks like the following:
mtpClient client = new SmtpClient(txtSMTP.Text);
After writing that line, you will get an error and have to import System.Net.Mail. That line looks like this:
using System.Net.Mail;
After you have that setup, it is time to set our client up so it can send the message. The first setting we are going to set is the Port number. This needs to match google’s port number which is 587. This line converts our textbox’s text to an integer (variable type for numbers) and sets the client’s port to the number stored in our port textbox.
Client.Port = Convert.ToInt32(txtPort.Text);
Our next thing will be to enable SSL. Google requires SSL be enabled to use Gmail. So that code looks like this:
client.EnableSSL = true;
The last thing we are going to do is pass the credentials to the new client object and thanks to previously creating the login variable, that line looks like this:
client.Credentials = login;
Now that our client is setup, we just need to create the mail addresses and we will be ready to form our message! The code to create our mail addresses is listed below.
MailAddress sendAddr = new MailAddress(txtUsername.Text);
MailAddress recAddr = new MailAddress(txtSendTo.Text);
Next, we will need to create a new Mail Message, this is the actual content of the message.
I’m going to explain each line in paragraph form and then show the block of code after so it will be easier to copy/paste.
First, we create the object, passing it the sender and receiver addresses. After that, we pass the subject textbox’s text property as the subject. Then we pass the memo edit’s (or textbox if you used that instead) text property as the body. After that, we set the BodyEncoding to UTF8, I wouldn’t worry about this, it’s just a character encoding type. IsBodyHTML is just used to tell if the email contains HTML markup or not, I used true for this and it worked fine. Priority seems like a silly property but normal makes the most sense. Lastly, DeliveryNotificationOptions will notify you if the message fails to send.
Alright! That was a huge block of code and we are almost there! Your code should look something like this now!
Send code so far
Now we need to set up the Send Completed event handler. This isn’t totally necessary but it is nice that our application will be able to display an error if the send fails.
Below DeliveryNotificationOptions, we need to add the following code:
client.SendCompleted += new SendCompletedEventHandler(sendCallback);
This line will call the sendCallback function with a result. Now we just need to write that function!
The resulting code will look like this, sorry the box cuts off a little bit of the sendCallback code.
Completed Code
Once you have the code in place it is time to give it a test run! We have to change one setting in google to make this work. Google “Low Security Applications”, the top link should be a link.
Less secure app access
After that, you need to click Less Secure App Access and allow Less secure Apps.
Without this option turned on, Google will not send your emails!
Once that is all set up, build your application and fill it out, this is what my application looked like all filled out!
SMTP client filled out
Once I hit the send button, the email sent! This is my test email that worked. Thanks for reading, I really hope this helped you out! If you have any questions, let me know in the comments below!!
Hey everyone and welcome back! Today we will be making a C# copy to clipboard style application to learn how to use the C# Clipboard library!
Today we’re going to be learning about the clipboard, which is a really cool thing to be able to use in C#! On top of being a super useful thing to manipulate, the clipboard is really easy to work with!
If you aren’t familiar with the clipboard, what I’m talking about is when you type a word and then right-click and then copy the text. This copies the text to your “Clipboard”
The Clipboard is kind of an invisible notepad that you can copy things to and paste from. For example, you could type your name out, copy your name and then paste it to multiple places. This saves you from typing the same thing over and over again.
Alright! On to the programming! We can easily access this clipboard and have our programs do some pretty cool stuff!
Clipboard App
First, you are going to want to create a sample application like the one I have above (also shown in the video)
This little form has a text box at the top, a picture box in the middle and a button on the bottom. Nothing special there. Next, we are going to go ahead and add some code.
Double click on the button and that will create an event handler for the button’s click event. This is where we are going to do most of our operations.
To access the clipboard we are going to use the clipboard class that is inside of the namespace. So the first thing to do is make sure is imported.
using System.Windows;
Once you have imported, it’s time to use the clipboard.getText function to get the text currently saved to your clipboard.
this.txtGetData.Text = Clipboard.GetText();
Our textbox is named txtGetData and this line will set the text of that textbox to whatever text is saved in your clipboard using the Clipboard.GetText function!
In the video, I wrote some text out in notepad and copied it. Once the text was in my clipboard, all I had to do was click the giant button at the bottom to run the code and have it set the textbox’s text to what I had copied.
clipboard button clicked
The next function we are going to use is the Clipboard.GetImage() function. This can be used to retrieve an image that has been copied to your clipboard. My picturebox is named pbData and the line of code to copy the image from the clipboard looks like this:
pbData.Image = Clipboard.GetImage();
So for our example, I am going to pull up a random image using google images and then copy it to my clipboard by pressing the button.
Image copied to clipboard using GetImage()
Next, we are going to write some text TO our clipboard. This is done in a very similar way. Instead of GetText() we are going to use SetText(). Below is an example of me setting the text of my clipboard to whatever was typed into the textbox.
Setting clipboard text
Copying an image to your clipboard is done in a very similar way. The code for that (with a picture box named pbData) is:
And… That’s about it for copying text & images to and from the clipboard! Those are definitely the most common uses for the Clipboard class but there are two more relatively common things you can use the Clipboard class for. You can copy raw Data to and from the clipboard and you can clear the clipboard.
To copy raw data from the clipboard, you are going to use this function:
Object obj = Clipboard.GetData();
This can be used to copy/paste all kinds of data!
The last item on our list to cover is the clear function. This will erase any data that is currently stored in your clipboard!
And that about wraps up working with the Clipboard in C#! I hope this helped you on your current project and thanks for reading!
Today we are going to be learning about switches in C#!
Switch statements are a way to simplify if statements. Once you get a lot of if statements together the code starts becoming very cumbersome and switches are just a really elegant way of cleaning that up.
Today, We are going to break switches down while creating a sample application!
Switch structure
If you were with us last time, you are probably familiar with this form that we designed previously. This form has a label and a textbox. It also has a picture box that we are going to change the background color of using switch statements. We also have a button to perform calculations.
Sample App
First, we are going to set the label control up for our new project. We are going to change the label’s text from “age” to “color” and change it’s name to “lblcolor”
Label name
The idea of the application is going to be that the user can type in the name of a few different colors and we will update the picture box’s background color to reflect whatever color the user input.
color changer
Alright, To do that we’re going to use a switch statement that switches based on the text you type into the textbox. We are going to have a case that’s going to be red and our first build will end there. This is basically just a simple if statement.
Inside the select statement we are going to say
pbResult.BackColor = Color.Red;
This will set the picture box’s background color to red. Now we are going to add a few other colors, such as Blue, Black, and White.
Keep in mind, CSharp is case sensitive, so this has to be a capital “B” for “Black”
switch (txtColor.Text)
case "red":
pbResult.BackColor = Color.Red;
case "blue":
pbResult.BackColor = Color.Blue;
case "black":
pbResult.BackColor = Color.Black;
case "white":
pbResult.BackColor = Color.White;
pbResult.BackColor = Color.Brown;
all right, so once you have recreated the UI and you have the above code in the click event of the button. It is time to run the application and give it a test.
What should happen is, when you type “red” into the textbox and then click the button, it will run the block of code that sets the BackColor to Red. When you type “blue” into the textbox and press the button, it will change the BackColor of the picture box to Blue!
Test with Blue picture box!
You could create this same logic with an IF statement but it would be a lot longer. The logic here is simply, if text = “red” then set the background color to red, elseif text = “blue” then set the background color to blue, and you would just repeat that logic for every color and use an else in place of default.
I hope this simple explanation of switches in C# helped! I am a hands-on type learner myself, so projects like this is how I prefer to learn things.
If you have any questions please ask in the comments below! Also, if you want me to go over any topics just let me know! I appreciate you guys sticking around and would love to help with topics you have in mind!